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Sean Bean is finally returning to Hitman, for you to kill him again

The actor with a thousand deaths adds another

Hitman's Elusive Targets started as a series of one-off assassinations, baddies who would appear in the live service game for a few days and offer one chance to kill them (don't blow it!) before vanishing. While developers Io Interactive did eventually start bringing back Elusive Targets due to popular demand/widespread frustration, some have proved more elusive than others. Four years since he last appeared, a target played by famous dier Sean Bean will return in March. Kill him, kill him while you can. It's what he would want. It's how he pays his rent. Craft services don't even offer him a cuppa until he croaks.

Cover image for YouTube videoCan We Kill The Immortal Sean Bean In Hitman 2? (Hitman 2 Elusive Target)
He's what happened when vid bud Matthew went after Beanie the first time, in 2018

The target of The Undying is Mark Faba, an assassin with a penchant for faking his own death. Who better to play him than Hollywood's preeminent deathfaker? The Beanster first appeared in November 2018 for a fortnight as Hitman 2's first Elusive Target, then returned for ten days in January 2020. Sean Bean has not since been seen, nor appeared in Hitman 3 at all.

Come the 22nd of March, The Undying will arrive in Hitman 3 for a whole four weeks. He'll be back in Miami, once again attempting to complete a contract of his own. And if you want, you can pay £4/€5/$5 to have him stick around for keepsies as an Arcade contract.

Though Io's blog post calls The Undying pack a "cosmetic DLC pack" and lists contents in a slapdash way, a press release makes clearer that The Ouroboros, "a Three level Arcade contract featuring The Undying Elusive Target, giving a permanent access to the mission through the Arcade mode", is part of the paid DLC. It seems it's free to bash the Bean during that four-week period then a couple quid to kill him for keepsies. The pack also includes cosmetics like a suit with an eyepatch bandage and swish headphones.

The blog post also details more of the Hitman content roadmap for the next few months, so go there for a gander.

Hitman's Season of The Undying content roadmap.
Image credit: Io Interactive

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Alice O'Connor

Associate Editor

Alice has been playing video games since SkiFree and writing about them since 2009, with nine years at RPS. She enjoys immersive sims, roguelikelikes, chunky revolvers, weird little spooky indies, mods, walking simulators, and finding joy in details. Alice lives, swims, and cycles in Scotland.
